Qatar (QAT)
| Quitasueno Bank
| Republic of Mauritius (MUS)
| Republic of the Congo (COG)
| Reunion (REU)
| Romania (ROU)
Russia (RUS)
| Rwanda (RWA)
| Saba (BES)
| Saint Helena (SHN)
| Saint Kitts and Nevis (KNA)
| Saint Lucia (LCA)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VCT)
| Saint-Barthelemy (BLM)
| Saint-Pierre and Miquelon (SPM)
| Samoa (WSM)
| San Marino (SMR)
| Sao Tome and Principe (STP)
Saudi Arabia (SAU)
| Senegal (SEN)
| Senkaku Islands
| Serbia (SRB)
| Serrana Bank
| Serranilla Bank
Seychelles (SYC)
| Sierra Leone (SLE)
| Singapore (SGP)
| Sint-Eustatius (BES)
| Sint-Maarten (SXM)
| Slovakia (SVK)
Slovenia (SVN)
| Solomon Islands (SLB)
| South Africa (ZAF)
| South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (SGS)
| South Korea (KOR)
| South Sudan (SSD)
Spain (ESP)
| Sri Lanka (LKA)
| Sudan (SDN)
| Suriname (SUR)
| Svalbard (SJM)
| Swaziland (SWZ)
Sweden (SWE)
| Switzerland (CHE)
| Syria (SYR)