Regional PFT maps interpolation
Check for non-zero PFTs
SUBROUTINE interpweight_3D
! Test lecture
DO ip=1,lml
IF ( SUM(invar3D(:,:,ip)) < 0.00001 ) THEN
WRITE(iS, '(i5)')ip
WRITE(suminS, '(f20.10)')SUM(invar3d(:,:,ip))
msg = 'Wrong lecture of data for type ' // TRIM(iS) // ' all values are zero !!'
CALL ipslerr(3,'interpweight_3D',TRIM(msg),'','')
Interpolation of regional PFT maps
- IOIPSL interpolation
- old and new driver
- input PFT map at 0.5° resolution with lat/lon identical to forcing
- same result for regional forcing (lat/lon limited to PFT map) and global forcing (with limits defined in run.def)
Interpolation to smaller region
- lat/lon size in forcing is less by 2 pixels from each side
Interpolation of standard global PFT maps
Interpolation from 0.025° to 0.5°
Interpolation of regional PFT map with non-zero PFTs
Interpolation of global PFT map with overridden regional data