EEZ v3
Marine and land zones: the union of world country boundaries and EEZ's

   A-B   C-E   F-I   J-M   N-P   Q-S   T-Z   ALL

Cambodia (KHM)
Cameroon (CMR)
Canada (CAN)
Canary Islands
Cape Verde (CPV)
Cayman Islands (CYM)
Central African Republic (CAF)
Chad (TCD)
Chafarinas Islands
Chagos Archipelago
Chile (CHL)
China (CHN)
Christmas Island (CXR)
Clipperton Island
Cocos Islands (CCK)
Collectivity of Saint Martin (MAF)
Colombia (COL)
Comores (COM)
Cook Islands (COK)
Costa Rica (CRI)
Croatia (HRV)
Crozet Islands (ATF)
Cuba (CUB)
Curacao (CUW)
Cyprus (CYP)
Czech Republic (CZE)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)
Denmark (DNK)
Djibouti (DJI)
Dominica (DMA)
Dominican Republic (DOM)
Doumeira Islands
East Timor (TLS)
Easter Island
Ecuador (ECU)
Egypt (EGY)
El Salvador (SLV)
Equatorial Guinea (GNQ)
Eritrea (ERI)
Estonia (EST)
Ethiopia (ETH)
Europa Island (ATF)