CTESSEL developments |
orchidas : cams / CAMS41-CO2 / Farquhar | Site Map |
Project CAMS41 Phase 2
Implementation of Farquhar photosynthesis model in CTESSEL
CTESSEL call tree (version CY43R3)
BLUE : driver (OSM_LSCE/src/CY43R3/surf/offline/driver)
RED : module (OSM_LSCE/src/CY43R3/surf/module)
GREEN : new developments in module (OSM_LSCE/src/CY43R3/surf/module)
CPG1S : grid point calculations CALLPAR1S : call the subroutines of the physics package UPDDIAG : interface routine to copy IFS variables to offline code diagnostics buffers VDFMAIN1S : does the vertical exchange of U,V,SLG,QT by turbulence SURFEXCDRIVER_CTL : controls the ensemble of routines that prepare the surface exchange coefficients and associated surface quantities needed for the solution of the vertical diffusion equations VSURF : prepares surface boundary condition for T and Q COTWORESTRESS : calculates net assimilation of CO2 and canopy conductance with moisture stress response CCETR : calculates radiative transfer within the canopy COTWO : calculates net assimilation of CO2 and leaf conductance SRFCOTWO : does the post-processing of CO2 values FARQUHAR : calculates photosynthesis following Farquhar model SUFARQUHAR : initialisation of Farquhar parameters YOS_AGF : definition of Farquhar parameters |
Optimization at FR-Hes site (3 parameters)
Parameter | Prior | Min | Max | Post | Description |
VCMAX_PFT1 | 60.0 | 35.0 | 85.0 | 85.0 | Maximum rate of Rubisco activity-limited carboxylation at 25°C (PFT1) |
VCMAX_PFT19 | 50.0 | 25.0 | 75.0 | 26.3 | Maximum rate of Rubisco activity-limited carboxylation at 25°C (PFT19) |
A1_C3 | 0.85 | 0.80 | 0.90 | 0.884 | Empirical constant 'a' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C3 vegetation) |
A1_C4 | 0.72 | 0.67 | 0.77 | 0.77 | Empirical constant 'a' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C4 vegetation) |
B1_C3 | 0.14 | 0.09 | 0.19 | 0.09 | Empirical constant 'b' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C3 vegetation) |
B1_C4 | 0.20 | 0.15 | 0.25 | 0.15 | Empirical constant 'b' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C4 vegetation) |
Optimization at FR-Hes site (8 parameters)
Standard composition : PFT1 - 78%, PFT19 - 22%
Parameter | Prior | Min | Max | Post | Description |
VCMAX_PFT1 | 60.0 | 36.0 | 84.0 | 84.0 | Maximum rate of Rubisco activity-limited carboxylation at 25°C (PFT1) |
VCMAX_PFT19 | 50.0 | 30.0 | 70.0 | 30.3 | Maximum rate of Rubisco activity-limited carboxylation at 25°C (PFT19) |
A1_C3 | 0.85 | 0.768 | 0.935 | 0.791 | Empirical constant 'a' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C3 vegetation) |
A1_C4 | 0.72 | 0.648 | 0.792 | 0.792 | Empirical constant 'a' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C4 vegetation) |
B1_C3 | 0.14 | 0.126 | 0.154 | 0.139 | Empirical constant 'b' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C3 vegetation) |
B1_C4 | 0.20 | 0.18 | 0.22 | 0.18 | Empirical constant 'b' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C4 vegetation) |
G0_C3 | 0.00625 | 0.005 | 0.0075 | 0.0068 | Residual stomatal conductance when irradiance approaches zero (C3 vegetation) |
G0_C4 | 0.01875 | 0.015 | 0.0225 | 0.0225 | Residual stomatal conductance when irradiance approaches zero (C4 vegetation) |
GM_C3 | 0.4 | 0.1 | 0.8 | 0.1 | Mesophyll diffusion conductance at 25°C (C3 vegetation) |
EVCMAX_C3 | 71513 | 57210 | 85815 | 85815 | Activation energy for Vcmax (C3 vegetation) |
EVCMAX_C4 | 67300 | 53840 | 80760 | 80760 | Activation energy for Vcmax (C4 vegetation) |
EJMAX_C3 | 49884 | 39907 | 59860 | 56330 | Activation energy for Jmax (C3 vegetation) |
EJMAX_C4 | 77900 | 62320 | 93480 | 93480 | Activation energy for Jmax (C4 vegetation) |
KHUMREL | 1.0 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.2 | Scaling factor for soil water stress function (virtual parameter) |
A1_C3 | A1_C4 | B1_C3 | B1_C4 |
G0_C3 | G0_C4 | GM_C3 | KHUMREL |
Optimization at FR-Hes site (8 parameters)
Altered composition : PFT5 - 100%
Parameter | Prior | Min | Max | Post | Description |
VCMAX_PFT5 | 50.0 | 30.0 | 70.0 | 67.5 | Maximum rate of Rubisco activity-limited carboxylation at 25°C (PFT5) |
A1_C3 | 0.85 | 0.768 | 0.935 | 0.935 | Empirical constant 'a' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C3 vegetation) |
B1_C3 | 0.14 | 0.126 | 0.154 | 0.126 | Empirical constant 'b' involved in the calculation of fvpd (C3 vegetation) |
G0_C3 | 0.00625 | 0.005 | 0.0075 | 0.00739 | Residual stomatal conductance when irradiance approaches zero (C3 vegetation) |
GM_C3 | 0.4 | 0.1 | 0.8 | 0.783 | Mesophyll diffusion conductance at 25°C (C3 vegetation) |
EVCMAX_C3 | 71513 | 57210 | 85815 | 85815 | Activation energy for Vcmax (C3 vegetation) |
EJMAX_C3 | 49884 | 39907 | 59860 | 43013 | Activation energy for Jmax (C3 vegetation) |
KHUMREL | 1.0 | 0.8 | 1.2 | 1.2 | Scaling factor for soil water stress function (virtual parameter) |
A1_C3 | B1_C3 | EVCMAX_C3 | EJMAX_C3 |
CTESSEL vs ORCHIDEE PFTs correspondence
PFT1 Crops, Mixed Farming | PFT13 (C4 crops) | C4 |
PFT2 Short Grass | PFT10 (C3 grass) | C3 |
PFT3 Evergreen Needleleaf Trees | PFT7 (Boreal Needleleaf Evergreen) | C3 |
PFT4 Deciduous Needleleaf Trees | PFT9 (Boreal Needleleaf Deciduous) | C3 |
PFT5 Deciduous Broadleaf Trees | PFT6 (Temperate Broadleaf Summergreen) | C3 |
PFT6 Evergreen Broadleaf Trees | PFT5 (Temperate Broadleaf Evergreen) | C3 |
PFT7 Tall Grass | PFT11 (C4 grass) | C4 |
PFT8 Desert | none | none |
PFT9 Tundra | PFT10 (C3 grass) | C3 |
PFT10 Irrigated Crops | PFT12 (C3 crops) | C3 |
PFT11 Semidesert | PFT11 (C4 grass) | C4 |
PFT12 Ice Caps and Glaciers | none | none |
PFT13 Bogs and Marshes | PFT10 (C3 grass) | C3 |
PFT14 Inland Water | none | none |
PFT15 Ocean | none | none |
PFT16 Evergreen Shrubs | PFT11 (C4 grass) | C4 |
PFT17 Deciduous Shrubs | PFT10 (C3 grass) | C3 |
PFT18 Mixed Forest/woodland | PFT6 (Temperate Broadleaf Summergreen) | C3 |
PFT19 Interrupted Forest | PFT6 (Temperate Broadleaf Summergreen) | C3 |
PFT20 Water and Land Mixtures | none | none |
CTESSEL name | ORCHIDEE analog | Units | Description |
KIDIA | – | – | Begin point in arrays |
KFDIA | – | – | End point in arrays |
KLON | – | – | Length of arrays |
KVTYPE | – | – | Vegetation type corresponding to tile |
LDLAND | – | True/False | Land/sea mask |
PTM1 | temp_air | K | Temperature at T-1 |
? | temp_growth | ? | Growth temperature (equal to t2m_month) |
PQM1 | qair | kg/kg | Specific humidity at T-1 |
? | qsurf | kg/kg | Near surface specific humidity |
PAPHM1 | pb | Pa | Pressure at T-1 (to scale to hPa) |
PSRFD | swdown | W/m2 | Downward shortwave radiation flux at surface |
ZRHO | rau | kg/m3 | Air density |
PUWIND | u | m/s | Lowest level wind speed (to pass to COTWORESTRESS) |
PVWIND | v | m/s | Lowest level wind speed (to pass to COTWORESTRESS) |
? | q_cdrag | – | Surface drag coefficient |
– | assim_param | umol/m2/s | min+max+opt temps, vcmax, vjmax (to define inside) |
ZCO2 | Ca | gCO2/gAir | Corrected atmospheric concentration of CO2 at canopy level (to recalc to umol/m2/s) |
ZDMAXT? | humrel | kg/kg | Soil moisture stress (recalc to 0-1) |
PCVT | veget_max | 0-1 | Maximum vegetation type fraction |
PCVT | veget | 0-1 | Vegetation type fraction (to calc from max fraction PCVT?) |
PLAI | lai | m2/m2 | Leaf area index |
? | qsintveg | kg/m2 | Water on vegetation due to interception |
? | qsintmax | kg/m2 | Maximum water on vegetation |
? | vbeta23 | – | Beta for fraction of wetted foliage that will transpire |
CTESSEL name | ORCHIDEE analog | Units | Description |
PAGF | gpp | kgCO2/kgAir*m/s | Gross assimilation of CO2 |
PGSF | gsmean | m/s | Leaf conductance to H2O (cuticular and stomatal) |
Name | Value | Units | Description |
a1 | 0.85 | – | Empirical constant involved in the calculation of fvpd |
alpha_LL | 0.3 | mol-e/mol-photon | Conversion efficiency of absorbed light into J at strictly limiting light |
arJV | 2.59 | umol-e/umol-CO2 | a coefficient of the linear regression (a+bT) defining the Jmax25/Vcmax25 ratio |
aSJ | 659.7 | J/K/mol | a coefficient of the linear regression (a+bT) defining the Entropy term for Jmax |
aSV | 668.39 | J/K/mol | a coefficient of the linear regression (a+bT) defining the Entropy term for Vcmax |
b1 | 0.14 | – | Empirical constant involved in the calculation of fvpd |
brJV | -0.035 | umol-e/umol-CO2/C | b coefficient of the linear regression (a+bT) defining the Jmax25/Vcmax25 ratio |
bSJ | -0.75 | J/K/mol/C | b coefficient of the linear regression (a+bT) defining the Entropy term for Jmax |
bSV | -1.07 | J/K/mol/C | b coefficient of the linear regression (a+bT) defining the Entropy term for Vcmax |
D_gm | 437400 | J/mol | Deactivation energy for gm |
D_Jmax | 200000 | J/mol | Deactivation energy for Jmax |
D_Vcmax | 200000 | J/mol | Deactivation energy for Vcmax |
E_gamma_star | 37830 | J/mol | Activation energy for Γ* |
E_gm | 49600 | J/mol | Activation energy for gm |
E_Jmax | 49884 | J/mol | Activation energy for Jmax |
E_KmC | 79430 | J/mol | Activation energy for KmC |
E_KmO | 36380 | J/mol | Activation energy for KmO |
E_Rd | 46390 | J/mol | Activation energy for Rd |
E_Sco | -24460 | J/mol | Activation energy for Sco |
E_Vcmax | 71513 | J/mol | Activation energy for Vcmax |
g0 | 0.00625 | mol/(m2 s bar) | Residual stomatal conductance when irradiance approaches zero |
gamma_star25 | 42.75 | ubar | Ci-based CO2 compensation point in the absence of Rd at 25°C |
gm25 | 0.4 | mol/(m2 s bar) | Mesophyll diffusion conductance at 25°C |
h_protons | 4 | mol/mol | Number of protons required to produce one ATP |
KmC25 | 404.9 | ubar | Michaelis–Menten constant of Rubisco for CO2 at 25°C |
KmO25 | 278400 | ubar | Michaelis–Menten constant of Rubisco for O2 at 25°C |
S_gm | 1400 | J/K/mol | Entropy term for gm |
Sco25 | 2800 | bar/bar | Relative CO2/O2 specificity factor for Rubisco at 25°C |
stress_gm | 1 | – | Water stress on gm |
stress_gs | 1 | – | Water stress on gs |
stress_vcmax | 1 | – | Water stress on Vcmax |
theta | 0.7 | – | Convexity factor for response of J to irradiance |
tphoto_max | 55 | C | Maximum photosynthesis temperature |
tphoto_min | -4 | C | Minimum photosynthesis temperature |
Vcmax25 | 35 ÷ 60 | umol/m2/s | Maximum rate of Rubisco activity-limited carboxylation at 25°C |
Meeting on photosynthesis model developments in the IFS (16 October 2020)
Last modified: 04/05/2021 21:06:36 |